Yoola TrackLift is a platform that connects YouTube content creators with music tracks that they can use in their videos, earning extra income for each play the track receives.
The library includes a wide range of music and audio files artists provide for creators to use in their videos.
No, Yoola TrackLift tracks are provided specifically for creators to use without copyright infringement claims, as long as they follow the guidelines.
You can earn $1 CPM (cost per mille) for every 1,000 plays of a track from the Yoola TrackLift Library that you embed in your YouTube videos.
Payments are usually aligned with YouTube's revenue payment schedule or via the Yoola Pay system- though specific details can vary.
Yes, creators have the freedom to choose any track from the library that fits their content.
If the video is removed, the plays up until its removal are counted, but no further revenue is generated from that video.
You must meet the minimum requirements (views, subscribers, video length) to participate as a creator in the Yoola TrackLift program.