3 Top YouTube Updates; RoundUp Of Q2, 2024.

Discover the latest YouTube updates for creators: test thumbnails, understand monetization issues, and engage with your audience using new post features.

Temitayo Michael


If you’re a top creator on YouTube, some of the challenges you may be facing include deciding what thumbnail is best for a video, understanding what part of your video triggered a monetization issue and being aware of the latest features when it comes to posting your videos!

Well, you don’t have to wait any further, YouTube recently made some updates to solve all of these issues!

Quick Overview

Update 1: Test & Compare Thumbnails

YouTube thumbnail compare now allows you to test what thumbnails bring your video the highest click-through rates on your long-form video on Youtube 

Accessible only on computers through the YouTube Studio, this feature is only available to channels with advanced features enabled.

You may also test thumbnails on live premiere videos after it has been converted to a video, or on your YouTube podcast episodes, However, You are not allowed to test thumbnails on videos that are set as made for kids, or mature audiences, or are in private mode. 

Update 2: TimeStamp on Yellow Monetization

YouTube released the timestamp on yellow monetization to help creators better understand where within their content experts found policy violations. 

Timestamps for yellow icon appeals are provided if your video uses the Self-Certification flow only on a desktop. 

To learn more, visit the YouTube advertiser-friendly guidelines here.

Update 3: Posts Feature For More YouTube Creators

The YouTube posts feature- tested earlier in 2023- that lets you interact with your viewers or YouTube community via polls, images, and animated GIFs- is now available and fully rolled out in more regions and locations. You can now:

  • Poll your audience on what type of video they want to see next
  • Tease an upcoming special announcement with a GIF of the best moments
  • Show off special behind-the-scenes photos
  • Promote your products, book tour, or even tickets for your next concert
  • Promote a collaboration video with a fellow creator or give a shoutout to a fan or fellow creator using the @mention

For channels with channel memberships, you can also create a members-only post to share exclusive content with your channel members


YouTube's recent updates have significantly enhanced the tools available to creators, making it easier to optimize your content, understand monetization issues, and engage with audiences. 

You can boost your video's click-through rates, gain clarity on policy violations, and engage your community and audience more easily to promote your content.

However, as a creator, staying ahead of the curve with these updates can be overwhelming.

Partnering with Yoola provides you with the support and expertise you need to maximize your YouTube potential.